Markdown Cheatsheet

Helena Archer
3 min readMar 30, 2021

Markdown is a lightweight markup language designed to make it easy to write for the web. It comes in handy when writing documentation about our code and communicating on GitHub within issues and pull requests. It is also used by a lot of bloggers to create content.


Italic:         _text_     or     *text*
Bold: __text__ or **text**
Strikethrough: ~~text~~


To make headers in Markdown, you preface the phrase with a hash mark (#). You place the same number of hash marks as the size of the header you want.

<h1>:     #
<h2>: ##
<h3>: ###
<h4>: ####
<h5>: #####
<h6>: ######


Inline link

To create an inline link, you wrap the link text in brackets ( [ ] ), and then you wrap the link in parenthesis ( ( ) ).

Link:     [Link](

Reference link

As the name implies, the link is actually a reference to another place in the document. It’s very useful when you want to use the same link multiple times. Here’s an example:

You can access Google and GitHub before building a code
You can access [Google] and [GitHub] before building a code



If you know how to create links in Markdown, you can create images, too. The syntax is nearly the same. But images are prefaced with an exclamation point (!). In brackets ( [ ] ) you are going to write your alt text (describes the image for the visually impaired.)

  • You can also use reference for images doing the same as links with a (!).


To create a blockquote, all you have to do is preface a line with the “greater than” caret (>).

"Imperfection is underrated. Perfection is overrated."
Helena Bonham Carter

> "Imperfection is underrated. Perfection is overrated." 
> Helena Bonham Carter



To create an unordered list (bullet points), you’ll want to preface each item in the list with an asterisk ( * )

* Milk
* Bread
* Butter


An ordered list is prefaced with numbers. Start with 1. followed by a space.

1. Break the eggs
2. Cut the cheese
3. Slice the tomatoes

Occasionally, you might find the need to nest one list within another. All you have to do is to remember to indent each asterisk one space more than the preceding item.

Task list

Task lists allow you to create a list of items with checkboxes. To create a task list, add dashes (-) and brackets with space ([ ]) in front of task list items. To select a checkbox, add an x in between the brackets ([x]).

- [x] Clean bedroom
- [ ] Clean bathroom
- [ ] Feed the cat


Markdown doesn’t make line breaks when you want them. Use 2 spaces or <br> for a manual line break.


Some Markdown applications allow you to insert emojis by typing emoji shortcodes (click here). These begin and end with (:) and include the name of an emoji.


Some Markdown applications also let you change the colour of your text by using the following code:

<font color=blue|red|green|pink|yellow> Text </font>

